Author Topic: Siberia Deck Makeup  (Read 22632 times)

Nate P.

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Siberia Deck Makeup
« on: 17/05/20, 06:09am »
Does anyone know the exact makeup of the 60 card deck?

How many cards in the deck for each of the 5 resources?
How many cards of each resource have investors on them?
How many cards of each resource have salesman on them?
How many cards of each resource have workers on them?

Stuart L.

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Re: Siberia Deck Makeup
« Reply #1 on: 17/05/20, 06:53am »
G'day.  Well, apparently, the actual card game has a distribution as follows:

    60 action cards
    36 resource cards
    10 worker cards
    8 seller cards
    5 investor cards
    1 direction card

Total: 120 cards

But you say that there are only 60 cards in the deck?  I'd presume that it'd be half those quantities, but then you can't have 2.5 investor cards.  Or is it a 60-card deck per player?  Also, if there are five resources, as you say, then there also must be some uneven distribution of them, as obviously 5 doesn't go into 36 exactly, but I've no idea about any of it, sorry.  I hope that this might go at least some of the way to helping you though.



Jimmy V.

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Re: Siberia Deck Makeup
« Reply #2 on: 17/05/20, 02:25pm »
From what I remember all cards have the same frequency. If I am not mistaken, that's 4 action cards of each of the 15 man/resource couples.

Marlene H.

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Re: Siberia Deck Makeup
« Reply #3 on: 17/05/20, 03:02pm »
G'day.  Well, apparently, the actual card game has a distribution as follows:

    60 action cards
    36 resource cards
    10 worker cards
    8 seller cards
    5 investor cards
    1 direction card

Total: 120 cards

But you say that there are only 60 cards in the deck?  I'd presume that it'd be half those quantities, but then you can't have 2.5 investor cards.  Or is it a 60-card deck per player?  Also, if there are five resources, as you say, then there also must be some uneven distribution of them, as obviously 5 doesn't go into 36 exactly, but I've no idea about any of it, sorry.  I hope that this might go at least some of the way to helping you though.



Stuart, you misunderstand the distribution.   There are 60 total cards in the deck.  You list refers to 60 action cards as if they are a separate category.  But they are not.  Your list should look like:

60 action cards with the following distribution:
    36 resource cards
    10 worker cards
    8 seller cards
    5 investor cards
    1 direction card

(Though it would probably more correct to say that there are 59 action cards and 1 direction card, because you can't do anything with the "direction card".  Or maybe there are 60 action cards PLUS the direction card.  On the computer I can't really tell if this thing is a card, or simply a marker on the board.)

I hope this clarifies the count and distribution.  (Though, in all honesty, I have not counted out these cards myself.  So though I find this same distribution listed when I google the question of Siberia Card, deck distribution.  I have not confirmed this is accurate.  Somehow 5 investor cards seems a bit low.  I'm pretty sure I've had games that started with a lot of investor cards allowing me to tag 3 or 4 of the spots without having to resort to a wild card build by using 2 other cards.)

Now I'm really curious.  I'm not sure we can see enough of the opponents cards as they are played to get a good idea of if these numbers are correct.  Maybe that helpful little screen we can pop up to see the remaining vs played cards would clarify it.

Marlene H.

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Re: Siberia Deck Makeup
« Reply #4 on: 17/05/20, 03:31pm »
Nope, looks like I'm wrong, too.

I just started a game.  From what I can see, there are:

 36 resource cards
But, there are a total of 60 cards between the opponent, myself and the draw pile.   These 60 cards can be either workers, sellers or investors. 

So maybe the numbers by the human cards are simply the proportion of each within the 60.
Very confusing.

That would make it something like
26 workers
21 salesmen
13 investors
60 total human (or action) type cards

Marlene H.

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Re: Siberia Deck Makeup
« Reply #5 on: 17/05/20, 05:51pm »
These numbers don't seem to have any relevance:
 10 worker cards
    8 seller cards
    5 investor cards

I played a game in training, keeping careful count of every human card I saw (either that I drew or that I saw the bot discard), during the first pass through the draw pile.  I got the following results:

19 workers seen
20 salesmen seen
18 investors seen

Given that my opponent bot probably did not show me all of his cards, I'm guessing that the count on the action cards are equal.

In other words:
20 workers
20 salesmen
20 investors

Nate P.

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Re: Siberia Deck Makeup
« Reply #6 on: 18/05/20, 02:41am »
Got it Marlene - so 20/20/20 (workers, investors, salesmen).

And resources - does anyone know if they are evenly split over the 60 cards - eg 12 gas, 12 coal, 12 gold, 12 oil, 12 diamonds (even though there are only 5 diamond resources to be earned in the game)?

Nate P.

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Re: Siberia Deck Makeup
« Reply #7 on: 18/05/20, 03:52am »

I played 3 games, and tracked the cards. Although you don't see all cards (as the game sometimes ends before all cards are played), in each game I saw at least 10 cards of each resource played leading me to believe there are 12 of each resource cards.

Thus, in summary:

Resources: 12 Gas, 12 Coal, 12 Oil, 12 Gold, 12 Diamonds
Profession: 20 Workers, 20 Salesmen, 20 Investors

Thanks guys for the teamwork on this! Really helps in understanding the game, and may be worth adding to the online game instructions and tutorial as well.


Daniel G.

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Re: Siberia Deck Makeup
« Reply #8 on: 18/05/20, 04:18am »
Thanks!  I had wondered this before as well.

FYI, I believe Stuart's message refers to all cards in the game.  The 5 investor, 8 seller, and 10 worker cards are the ones you use to show which investors, sellers, and workers you currently have in play.

Marlene H.

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Re: Siberia Deck Makeup
« Reply #9 on: 18/05/20, 04:21pm »
Thanks!  I had wondered this before as well.

FYI, I believe Stuart's message refers to all cards in the game.  The 5 investor, 8 seller, and 10 worker cards are the ones you use to show which investors, sellers, and workers you currently have in play.

I don't quite understand this.  It almost makes sense to me.  But the counting seems inconsistent.

Yes, it is possible to have to have 5 investors and 8 sellers in play.  But it's only possible to have 5, not 10 workers in play.

Or if you are saying it took 10 workers to fill up the 5 worker spots, then to be consistent it would have to read:
10 investors, 16 sellers, 10 workers. 
But you can't really go by that option because any of them could be used as wild cards.  So you might not have played 10 workers to fill up the 5 worker spots.  Same for any of the others.

Can you clarify this for me?

Daniel G.

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Re: Siberia Deck Makeup
« Reply #10 on: 19/05/20, 01:25am »
The 5 investors are limited to one per resource. Same with the sellers. However, each player can have their own 5 workers, so a total of 10 are needed.

Marlene H.

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Re: Siberia Deck Makeup
« Reply #11 on: 20/05/20, 05:23pm »
Thanks for the clarification. 

I did not realize that you were using a plural "you".  I thought it was singular.  So the 10 workers did not make sense.  But given you meant all of the spots on the board.  Now it does.

Once again, thanks for the clarification.   :D