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Messages - Alex B.

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I mean, I won't play with Britany B. again because I don't particularly like being insulted and sworn at while playing games, but is there something else I should be doing, like using a report function on the dialogue box?  If so, how does that work?

Is there anything permanent that one can buy with gold or wood or stone or brick?

How many victory points does it take to buy everything you can for a house? 300?

Happy Meeple community / Re: Daily quest not resetting?
« on: 27/10/19, 04:03am »
Fixed now.

Happy Meeple community / Daily quest not resetting?
« on: 27/10/19, 03:15am »
Is the daily quest not resetting or is my phone just not reporting it?  I got 00:00 on the countdown until the next daily quest but it has been like that for five minutes.

I have bought all of the improvements for all of my houses. I think it unlikely that I will get more houses to improve. So is there anything else that I can spend victory points on?

Lost Cities / Re: Low Cards, discards and picking up
« on: 23/08/19, 05:09am »
I don’t know if this is the best strategy but usually I don’t pick up a 2 unless I already have two dollar signs down and I don’t pick up a 3 or 4 unless I already have one dollar sign down.  Similarly I will discard a 2,3 or 4 if I have nothing down unless I have all of them. And I never discard a dollar sign if it could possibly help my opponent.


Maybe as a nod to board game history we could trade in 4 (fully tricked out?) houses for hotels or some other structures?

Tutorial, training, online play / Re: Forfeit Option
« on: 21/04/19, 07:38am »
At the very least forfeiting against bots should be an option. It is not as if it ruins a bot’s enjoyment of the game.

Tutorial, training, online play / Re: Forfeit Option
« on: 11/04/19, 11:30pm »
Agreed on the casual option.  Perhaps something like the "training with bots" function, which does not affect one's score.

Tips, polls, updates / Re: POLL: Daily Quests
« on: 25/12/18, 05:28pm »
I think it was three different people but could be in the same game or in different games.

Lost Cities / Bot order out of order?
« on: 24/11/18, 10:38pm »
Why does Saboteur have a lower score than Lechebot even though the former comes after the latter? Same question with Bot-dog and Botiful. Or are those scores only for lost cities?


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