Author Topic: Lost cities - Stuck game  (Read 24249 times)

Matej J.

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Lost cities - Stuck game
« on: 04/05/16, 11:41pm »
Good evening

Apologies if this was mentioned earlier, but recently Lost cities started "freezing" in the middle od the game. It happens when I play the card, but the game does not register it. The clock stops, and I'm stuck with standard message saying that I should play or discard.

So far it only happened when playing with bots, but it is still frustrating because of loss of points (and loss of gold because it obviously breaks winning streak, but I'm not really fussed about that). It happened twice in a row tonight, whilst I was in a good position too :-)

Is there anything that could be done about it, as I really enjoy playing Lost cities? :)

Matej J.

Jimmy V.

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Re: Lost cities - Stuck game
« Reply #1 on: 04/05/16, 11:45pm »
Hi Matej,

Sorry to hear about your issues.

I have seen a few users complaining about freezes lately. But ours statistics do not show any increase in the frequency of unfinished games.

So I am afraid that without more information I can't do much.

Have a look at your connection indicator (is is green?) when problems arise!

Thanks for reporting it! Very much appreciated.


Matej J.

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Re: Lost cities - Stuck game
« Reply #2 on: 05/05/16, 08:38am »
Hi Nicolas
It just happened again, and the indicator was green. Again it happened just after I played my card, but the system kept displaying message about Phase 1.
Is there any other information that you'd need?

Thanks for such a quick response!

Jimmy V.

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Re: Lost cities - Stuck game
« Reply #3 on: 05/05/16, 09:54am »
I will see if I can find something wrong in the logs.

After the platform is updated today.

Jimmy V.

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Re: Lost cities - Stuck game
« Reply #4 on: 13/05/16, 11:27am »
Dear Matej,

I had a look at the log last week and found that your browser kept resending your move (as it was not receiving an acknowledgement of receipt from the server who was not receiving anything as it happens). In the meantime, the fact that I received the logs makes me think that you were still connected to the Internet.

So it is very likely that the issue lies in the communication with the program that deals with games and moves. It seems to be freezing for some reason. I am currently trying a new protocol to exchange moves with the server: websockets. I have already this working on my development machine and am now looking at it on the remote environment. When this works, I will try to launch it online for you all and hopefully, this will improve the communication and not raise new issues.

Thanks for posting!
« Last Edit: 15/05/16, 09:24am by Happy Meeple »

Matej J.

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Re: Lost cities - Stuck game
« Reply #5 on: 14/05/16, 02:53pm »
Thank you very much for looking into it!

Hopefully all will go well with websockets implementation!

Kind regards

Jimmy V.

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Re: Lost cities - Stuck game
« Reply #6 on: 15/05/16, 09:26am »

Do you want to try Websockets? As I said in the other post about Websockets being ready , it is now ready to be tested.

Do you want me to activate your account with Websockets and see how it goes? I need testers and you seem the perfect fit. :)


Matej J.

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Re: Lost cities - Stuck game
« Reply #7 on: 15/05/16, 12:48pm »
Yes please! :)

Jimmy V.

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Re: Lost cities - Stuck game
« Reply #8 on: 15/05/16, 02:56pm »
You are now set up with Websockets. You will need to logout if you are logged in.

Let me know how it goes! Does it work fine? Is it faster?