Jimmy, at the start of each Quest Day, everyone's score drops due to the oldest score falling off, and no one having done the new one.
But for several days now, the top 5 people in the ranks have had a score of 282. It never drops.
I have completed the daily quest each of these days, and gotten the notification that I completed it.
But my score never goes up.
I can't speak for the entire list, but I'm familiar with the top 5, and none of their scores have gone either up or down. Normally all of our scores first go down, and then over the course of the day most will go up again.
I'm not sure about the rewards. for some reason, today, I got the impression that the coins did not go up BUT I have not checked the coin amount before completing the quest. So I could be completely wrong about this. I hope to remember to check it tomorrow.
Thanks for looking into this.