Author Topic: Happy Meeple recovery making progress  (Read 22627 times)

Jimmy V.

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Happy Meeple recovery making progress
« on: 04/07/16, 10:38pm »
A quick note to let you know that we are making progress in putting things back in place after our server hard disk crashed.

As you can see the forum is back online.

The main website is also basically working. I have just played a game there without any issue. However it is not open yet as there is still one major issue to fix. Some pages don't want to load as they should.

After this is solved, there will be other things to check and to restore. Hopefully they will not take too long. But I can't be sure as bad things are always around the corner.

Happy Meeple will not be back online tonight (UK time). I hope we can have it online tomorrow though. Fingers crossed!

Jimmy V.

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Re: Happy Meeple recovery making progress
« Reply #1 on: 05/07/16, 04:22pm »
Happy Meeple is now back online.

We hope that everything is back in order, but nothing is less certain.

By all means, please let us know if you think something is unusual. It may be the sign of an issue!

Many thanks for your help! (and for your patience!)


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Re: Happy Meeple recovery making progress
« Reply #2 on: 05/07/16, 09:01pm »
Just wondering, did our improvements, such as roads continue to age while Happy Meeple was down?

Guest 134529

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Re: Happy Meeple recovery making progress
« Reply #3 on: 06/07/16, 02:46am »
Very happy to see you back!  I just play 4 games - Migrato, Siberia, Finito, Lost Cities - no problems on the first three.  Lost Cities might have lost a tiny bit of data.  I've been tracking my progress.  I won my game but was surprised to see that neither my rating nor my experience went up from where it was last time.  So I think that somehow a game was dropped.  I'm not concerned about that - just very happy you guys are back on line.  I only mention it because you stated that little things might be a sign of an issue.  I hope not.  But if it is, I hope this little clue helps you track it down.

Welcome back!  :D

Jimmy V.

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Re: Happy Meeple recovery making progress
« Reply #4 on: 06/07/16, 08:30am »
Buildings only age when you use food. So the downtime did not affect any building.

Thanks for the information!
The latest database backup dated from 08h15 UK time on Sunday. If you did anything after that, it was lost forever unfortunately. I think things went wrong around 10h00.

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Re: Happy Meeple recovery making progress
« Reply #5 on: 06/07/16, 03:02pm »
Yes, I was playing during those times.   I was in a game when it crashed and had been playing for a while before that.  So it makes sense it would be lost.

But I just ran into another incident that I'm pretty sure is not from that time.  I believe I played Level X last night and progressed to 1564 rating and 57% experience.  I just played another game, won, and ended up with those exact same numbers.  Is there any way you can check to see if my memory (that I played Lev X last night) is correct?

Maybe it's impossible, though.  Because if the system does not have the information from last night maybe there is no way for you to tell.  But I'm curious about it.

Jimmy V.

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Re: Happy Meeple recovery making progress
« Reply #6 on: 06/07/16, 05:40pm »

Thanks for the feedback. You have only played two online games of Level X today. None yesterday.
Only online games count for meeples and ratings.


Guest 134529

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Re: Happy Meeple recovery making progress
« Reply #7 on: 06/07/16, 06:54pm »
thank you for your prompt reply.

I just ran into a problem that I seem to hit almost every time I come here.  The screen freezes and I get an error message:

A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding. You can stop the script now, open the script in the debugger, or let the script continue.

Script: https://googleads.g.doubleclic…pfx=0&fu=16&bc=1&ifi=2&dtd=346:0

I don't know if it's always the same script.  Luckily, this time I was in between games.  When it happens during a game, I just lose the game because of the frozen screen.  I have to use a task manager to get off of the page, then wait a minute or so, and come back in.  If I don't wait, I get a message that I am still logged in on another screen - even though there is no other screen on my end. 

I never get this message from other web sites I visit on a regular basis.  It would be nice to be able to get rid of this problem.  I don't know how to do it from my end.  None of the choices (stop script, debug script, let script continue) fixes the problem. 

Much appreciate anything you can do to fix this, or to provide some insight.

Jimmy V.

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Re: Happy Meeple recovery making progress
« Reply #8 on: 06/07/16, 11:22pm »
Hi again,

This is clearly related to Google advertizing.

However, we don't have any advertizing on game pages. So are you sure this very same issue happens during games?


Guest 134529

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Re: Happy Meeple recovery making progress
« Reply #9 on: 07/07/16, 02:44am »
I think I am almost never "sure" of anything.  I always have open the door to the idea that I might be mistaken.  I do know that
1. Sometimes the page freezes when playing a game
2. I frequently get a script stopped working message when at Happy Meeple

But I am not sure the the script problem occurs during games.   I will monitor it in the future and let you know what I find. 

Guest 134529

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Re: Happy Meeple recovery making progress
« Reply #10 on: 07/07/16, 04:10am »
Here is the next one.   In this one also, I was not in a game when the error occurred.  Again, it is google ads at the center of the problem.

A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding. You can stop the script now, open the script in the debugger, or let the script continue.

Script: https://googleads.g.doubleclic…pfx=0&fu=16&bc=1&ifi=2&dtd=575:0

Guest 134529

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Re: Happy Meeple recovery making progress
« Reply #11 on: 07/07/16, 04:16am »
and it just happened again after I posted the last message.

Guest 134529

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Re: Happy Meeple recovery making progress
« Reply #12 on: 09/07/16, 03:59am »
I had stepped away because I was cooking some soup.  When I returned, about 15 minutes later:

A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding. You can stop the script now, open the script in the debugger, or let the script continue.

Script: https://googleads.g.doubleclic…pfx=0&fu=16&bc=1&ifi=2&dtd=434:0


Shockwave Flash may be busy, or it may have stopped responding.  You can stop the plugin now, ...

Adobe Flash plugin has crashed.

Those google ads sure seem troublesome.

I neglected to say that I was not in a game when this happened.  It is beginning to look like you are correct, and that the script problem might not be the source of the freeze ups that occur when in a game.  I will continue to monitor and report on these.
« Last Edit: 09/07/16, 04:21am by Guest 134529 »