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Happy Meeple community / Re: Is the site down?
« Last post by Gurrier on 07/09/24, 02:17pm »
I can’t login either, just get the “Are you logged in somewhere else? Try again soon” message. I tried last night (US East Coast) and again this morning. Its the same on Chrome, Safari & Edge
Happy Meeple community / Is the site down?
« Last post by Caitlin G. on 07/09/24, 10:22am »

I've been getting an error the last two days on Chrome and Safari saying that the servers might be down. I'm just wondering if this is happening to anyone else?
thx team for fixing  :D
Tutorial, training, online play / bug - sound disabling on safari
« Last post by Mi K. on 21/08/24, 09:08pm »
hi, I am using iPad Safari and cannot disable the sound.
after moving all volumes to minimum sound is still playing. :'(
Happy Meeple community / Re: thanks for a great site!
« Last post by Xedis T. on 09/07/24, 03:34am »
Congrats on earning your black meeple 2! Yes, your gold should increase when you earn new meeples, but the notification might not always mention the gold specifically. You can check your gold balance before and after earning a meeple to be sure. Enjoy your extra road bonuses!
Happy Meeple community / Re: Developing games on Happy Meeple
« Last post by Tomeziy S. on 09/06/24, 06:18pm »
Can you develop more great 2 player Board games?
Tutorial, training, online play / Re: display in lost cities
« Last post by Hugo M. on 05/06/24, 09:59pm »
Obviously, both card fields are visible - your own at the bottom, the opponent's upper half!
Tutorial, training, online play / Re: display in lost cities
« Last post by Setoda D. on 05/06/24, 09:02pm »
Hi, I don't think it's possible
Tutorial, training, online play / display in lost cities
« Last post by Robert R. on 24/04/24, 01:02am »
when playing LC is it possible to see your opponents screen?  Is it possible to see both screens at once?
Happy Meeple community / Re: Developing games on Happy Meeple
« Last post by Guest 409564 on 21/02/24, 09:33pm »
Hello! Is this topic still available?
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