Our games > Cartographers

Cartographers feedback

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Jimmy V.:
Good to know. Thanks! Will save me a few minutes.

Jimmy V.:
When fixing a small loading issue yesterday, we introduced a visual glitch at the start of the game. This is now corrected.

Frank T.:
The game sometimes freezes while I am moving a piece (on Chrome). The only way to unfreeze it is to click on a different tab and click back.

Also, I noticed that Lost Barony counts the tear in the center of the map as filled spaces (as seen in the game with Botanist). This is interesting, because you can just build off of that space for easy points.

Jimmy V.:
Frank, thanks for the feedback.

Looks like your browser is playing tricks on you. Maybe close it completely and reopen?

For Lost Barony, you are right. As the extra information says at the bottom of the page, Wastelands are filled spaces. And that's particularly useful for that edict.

Jeff W.:
Absolutely love the game ... wondering if it's possible to extend the timer for the first turn? I feel like, once I'm done reading the 4 edicts, I'm really pressed for time to place that first piece ...


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