Author Topic: Invisible dice + bug?  (Read 13447 times)

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Invisible dice + bug?
« on: 31/05/20, 07:14pm »
Im playing raging bulls and I cant see the dice. If I take a screen shot (game screen shot, not phone screen shot) dice are visible.
Plus, am I getting it wrong or two cows one bull counts as one cow one bull?
I m sorry I cannot attach screenshot because its too large.

Jimmy V.

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Re: Invisible dice + bug?
« Reply #1 on: 04/06/20, 11:10am »

Sorry to hear about your issue. It looks like your browser failed to load an image and could therefore not display it. This is most likely a temporary issue. The fact that the screenshot was taken correctly means that you could download the image at that time.
If the match was played online, the easiest solution was to refresh the page and this would have solved the issue. If not a refresh using ctrl-F5 (to force a cache refresh) would have worked.
I doubt our screenshots are too big for being attached here. You probably wanted to attach your own screenshot. Also you can use our screenshot URL and post it here. That will be the fastest way to share it.

On the RB rules point, cows will only make a couple with a bull if they are alone with it. So a couple is only "1cow+1bull", nothing else.