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Jimmy V.:
2020/06/03 Various improvements

A "Rules of the game" button is now available on each game menu making it easier to access these rules (they are still accessible from the game page too).

The cookie consent window has been updated to accomodate more languages. As a result you have to give consent again. Sorry about the inconvenience. Nothing has changed.

Finito and Level X pages now show the name and picture of the new version of the game (GPS and Mountain Goats).

In games with small windows, the 3rd column did not display where it should. Instead it was showing below the game board. This is now corrected.

We added a "Match replay" button to the list of options displayed at the end of an online match. This way, you can analyze the game immediately with a single click. Former "Replay" and "Replay (same opponent" buttons are reworded to "Play again" and "Play again (same opponent)" to avoid any confusion.

German translations are updated and complete.

50% of the players will see a new font.
50% of the players will see the old button color scheme.
This is part of our A/B testing process to see what is best for our players. The new font has given good results on the home page and we are now trying it in the menu and game pages.

Jimmy V.:
2020/10/06 Release of Cartographers

The award-winning game Cartographers has just been released on the platform.

Special features:
- the game is 2-player only for the moment.
- there is no AI for this game.
- the training mode offers 12 fixed configurations (one for each bot). The bots get special rules (basically extra points) to compensate for their bad play. So in essence, the training mode, while still a 2-player game, is more of a solo game. Its function is to let you familiarise with the 16 edict cards (while having a score to beat). Each edict appears 3 times in the training mode, at different timings (early or late).
- you will need to find a human opponent to play in the online mode. We recommend using the link associated with your table to invite players who are not logged in.
- the first 20 online games are rewarded with 6 rating points each (this is also a consequence of the absence of bots: they are not here to seed the rankings, we need to compensate this to get comparable ratings).
- the game has options to speed up animations (cards or/and scoring).

We are very happy to offer the possibility to play Cartographers online.

Have fun!

Jimmy V.:
2020/10/15 Clock in simultaneous play

For Finito and Cartographers, where the players play simultaneously, the clock display stopped after you moved, so you could not see the opponent's remaining time.
This is now fixed.
Nothing was broken before. The display was only somewhat misleading (some players thought things were not quite right and felt the need to refresh the page to get the clock going again).
As a result of the fix, we noticed that if you play a move then refresh the page, the timer will not display the correct value (it will display too much, having basically reset at the time you played). This will be fixed as soon as the server is restarted (which be not be soon).

The mountains in Cartographers were not properly updated on the opponent's board. This is now fixed.

Magic Potion is now glowing on players' name on the game page and in the ranking lists.

Bots now speak "101" again. For a while they showed English instead.

Jimmy V.:
2020/10/26 Replay feature

Some player information were not correctly reported (Magic Potion, etc.) and displayed the logged player's info instead. This is fixed.
FYI, the meeple of the player, the Magic Potion of the player and the name of the player shown are the current ones, while the rating displayed is the one at the time the match was played.
A tiny glitch in the inn (Magic Potion display) is now fixed.

Jimmy V.:
2020/10/26 Screenshots on IE11

IE 11 does not behave like the other browsers. Because of this, the screenshots did not work properly (or at least generated Javascript errors). We have now made the necessary changes and everything should now be fine.
In general, we would advise not to use Internet Explorer which has a history of not following standards. It has certainly improved a lot over the years but it is not quite there yet. We understand Edge is better. Chrome is our preferred browser as the website is developed on it and thus there should not be any unknown glitch on Chrome.


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