« on: 17/09/16, 05:33am »
Here's an idea for a new achievement--
Current winning streaks for all games.
My suggestion probably isn't what you're thinking. It's not looking at a winning streak of all games and adding them up. For example, you win 2 Finito in a row, and then win 3 List Cities, making it 5. That would be kind of fun, but that's not what I'm suggesting.
There's a page that shows all your game ratings and current win streaks. If you get all current win streaks to 1, you get an award. If you get them to 2 you get an award. I would say you could give them up to 5 game winning streaks at least.
I think this would be great because it gives players incentives to play ALL the games.
Since it's a pretty difficult thing to accomplish, along with a badge a gold reward of 100 for each number might be appropriate. To be clear, I'm suggesting a gold reward of 100 for 1, an additional 200 for 2, an additional 300 for 3, and so on. These would be one time awards.
As a tangent, I think it would be very cool if there was a site achievement board that showed everyone's achievements over the last 24 hours. Meeples earned, new player bests for win streaks, the highest current win streaks for each game that have been earned in the last 24 hours (in other words, if someone has the highest streak but hasn't played it over the last 24 hours, it wouldn't count), and career achievements like the one I suggested.