Author Topic: List of updates  (Read 102790 times)

Jimmy V.

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List of updates
« on: 07/03/16, 12:37pm »
2016/03/07 - Lost Cities has had a makeover.

Bigger screen size.
Improved artwork.
Better animations.
Expedition scoring details.
Shorter tutorial.

Lost Cities and Migrato overview pages are now available in Spanish.
« Last Edit: 10/05/19, 03:18pm by Happy Meeple »

Jimmy V.

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Re: Platform updates
« Reply #1 on: 07/03/16, 04:14pm »
2016/03/07 - Lost Cities makeover corrections.

Following first remarks, the deck is now on the top-right of the screen rather than the top-left.
Also, the deck counter has a white background to make it more readable.

Jimmy V.

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Re: Platform updates
« Reply #2 on: 15/03/16, 12:04pm »
2016/03/15 - Sounds on hover and click on buttons

The main menu icons received a little makeover. Firstly the orders of the buttons has changed to make the inn more prominent. Secondly, the icons are going up when leaving the mouse over them. Also they get a little sound at the same time. Another sound is played when the icon is clicked.

Other buttons in the interface have received the same treatment (sound on hover and sound on click)

On the back side, there has been a few improvements too:

- cleaning in the code (deleting files that are not needed any more),
- making of a few sprites (images that contain several images) to minimize the number of requests to the server and improve the pages loading time,
- concatenating and compressing some Javascript files that had never been dealt with. This should also lower the number of requests to the server and pages loading time,

The number of requests to the server and total traffic should be shrinked by about 10%.
« Last Edit: 15/03/16, 02:56pm by Happy Meeple »

Jimmy V.

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Re: Platform updates
« Reply #3 on: 24/03/16, 03:56pm »
2016/03/24- Various improvements on help pages

New Lost Cities images on login page (game box and new screenshot of the new digital version).
Modification of an offer (ad) that was causing trouble (video ad).
Slight modification of the frequency of food offers. Most frequent partners will be displayed a little bit less often, leaving more room to smaller partners (like blogs).
"Play now" links on most help pages will now create a guest account immediately for new visitors (they will start playing immediately without going to the login page). "Old" players will still be directed to the login page via these links.
Help pages now have a home link both at the top-right of the page and at the top of the menu (bottom of the page).
The flying enveloppe indicating a new chat message now flies from the top of the screen making it more visible. It will probably help some users see that there is a new message in one of their chats (if they don’t have sound on).

On the back side:
Simplication of code.
Clicks on help pages are now recorded to help understand better what visitors are looking for and find out how we can improve.
« Last Edit: 24/03/16, 05:58pm by Happy Meeple »

Jimmy V.

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Re: Platform updates
« Reply #4 on: 25/03/16, 11:33am »
2016/03/25 - Food offers

We used to check that players had enough storage space to store the food that we offered. As a result, sometimes, offers were not displayed when players wanted them. We removed the storage check space. So offers are now displayed as soon as you have less than 12 food in stock. However, excess food will be lost so be aware of this!
Correction of tiny bugs that displayed advertizing on the world map. The ads are now displayed below the map.
1Dludiques link was broken. We now display the right URL.

Back office:
We updated all advertizing tags following a change of system of our provider.

Jimmy V.

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Forum updates
« Reply #5 on: 13/04/16, 08:32pm »
2016/04/13 - Forum updates

- forum URLs are now rewritten to be more SEO-friendly
- forum titles and descriptions are also more SEO-friendly

This does not change the way the forum is used.

Coming soon: the main menu page is being reworked so that 1) it looks better, 2) it is easier to understand what is going on for new players, 3) it is ready for future developments including the Daily Meeple or the Meeple times, a personalized "newspaper" gathering relevant news for the player (daily quests, friend news, ranking changes...)

« Last Edit: 13/04/16, 08:34pm by Happy Meeple »

Jimmy V.

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Re: Platform updates
« Reply #6 on: 05/05/16, 01:41pm »
2016/05/05 - The Daily Meeple

Today the big update concerns The Daily Meeple, a personalized newspaper that gets updated every time you come to the menu page.
At the moment, The Daily Meeple contains news about yourself, your friends and the forum. This will be improved over time. Friends recent matches should be added soon as well as a full page mode giving more details about each news as well as more news.
In the past important news such as "Successive wins", "New Trophy", "New Meeple" interrupted the experience in between games which was unpleasant and illogical. The news are now displayed in the Daily Meeple (the most important ones blink) instead. So the important news will still be here but players will be able to choose the moment they read them.

Please give feedback on this update in the following thread!
« Last Edit: 05/05/16, 01:46pm by Happy Meeple »

Jimmy V.

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Language automatic redirection disabled
« Reply #7 on: 15/05/16, 02:39pm »
2016/05/12 - Automatic redirection to preferred language is disabled

We do not redirect automatically to your preferred language any more. It means that if you stored the wrong page in your bookmarks or if you simply type in your browser, you may end up on the wrong language page.

If you want to make sure that the website is always in your preferred language, please bookmark the appropriate URL!
It can be one of these ones:

You can still use the flags on the main page or use the flags in your settings to change language. But that will be temporary.

PS: we did that because of issues with Google search engine. Although we offered a clever approach to the problem of language redirection, it was not standard and conform with SEO best practices. It may have caused issues with Google search engine.
« Last Edit: 24/05/16, 11:00pm by Happy Meeple »

Jimmy V.

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Re: Platform updates
« Reply #8 on: 16/05/16, 09:37pm »
2016/05/16 Minor tests

Tests on the initial stages for new players
Tests on the display of game complexity
« Last Edit: 24/05/16, 11:00pm by Happy Meeple »

Jimmy V.

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Re: Platform updates
« Reply #9 on: 24/05/16, 03:00pm »
2016/05/24 Minor tests

New tests on the introduction news for new players
Further tests on the display of game complexity
« Last Edit: 24/05/16, 11:00pm by Happy Meeple »

Jimmy V.

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Multiple windows is now impossible
« Reply #10 on: 24/05/16, 10:59pm »
2016/05/24 Opening multiple Happy Meeple windows is now impossible

If you try to open a new window when another one is already active but you are not playing, the previous one will automatically be redirected to an inactive page. This will prevent lots of potential issues.
If you try to open a new window when you are playing in another one, a message is displayed in the new window to make you aware that if you confirm the opening, the game will be aborted and lost. This was already implemented.
« Last Edit: 24/05/16, 11:01pm by Happy Meeple »

Jimmy V.

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More info in payment page
« Reply #11 on: 26/05/16, 12:56pm »
2016/05/26 More info in payment page

The payment page is now displaying a list of things you can buy with gold coins. This should make it easier to evaluate your needs.
The cost of 1 food (if you have grocery, you can buy food individually) was cheaper than bulk prices (that was an error!). This is corrected.
Food cost in the market is slightly increased, to make it more inline with Magic Potion cost.
« Last Edit: 26/05/16, 12:59pm by Happy Meeple »

Jimmy V.

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Re: Platform updates
« Reply #12 on: 08/06/16, 11:24am »
2016/06/08 Language management back to normal

For the last few weeks, was redirecting to the English URL ( for all users. This led to confusion.
The situation is now back to where it was before.
You are now redirected to your preferred language.
If we don't know your preferred language (new user?), we redirect according to your browser language.

Jimmy V.

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Re: Platform updates
« Reply #13 on: 11/06/16, 01:55pm »
2016/06/11 Change of communication protocol for some users

The older Happy Meeple accounts (8 april 2014 and before) now benefit from an improved communication protocol between their browser and our server. It is called Websockets. It is hoped that it is faster and more reliable than current protocol.
If everything goes well for these accounts, this will be applied to all other accounts too.

Update 2016/06/14 10am UK time: now all accounts benefit from the Websockets protocol.
« Last Edit: 15/06/16, 11:16am by Happy Meeple »

Jimmy V.

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Re: Platform updates
« Reply #14 on: 15/06/16, 11:19am »
2016/06/15 Improved Daily Meeple

The Daily Meeple gets a few improvements:
  • You can now click on a "+" button which gives you an extended version of the Daily Meeple. More news, bigger font, more info and a timestamp.
  • The "successive wins" news are now filtered. If you (or a friend) has just won 4 games in a row, the news that you won 3 games in a row just before is not displayed.
« Last Edit: 15/06/16, 12:01pm by Happy Meeple »