General > Happy Meeple community

Another bad behavior

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Mike A.:
Thanks. And I'm sorry about the misuderstanding.


P.S. Who is this Andrew character? He's a riot.

Liallan G.:

--- Quote from: Mike A. on 13/06/16, 01:42pm ---P.S. Who is this Andrew character? He's a riot.

--- End quote ---
Yes, he is. :-)  I've seen some of his chat messages.

Jimmy V.:
Hi guys,

Just had a look at urban dictionnary. I am surprized to see that "he is a riot" is positive. I expected the opposite. Do you confirm?

Mike A.:
Yes, indeed. I would translate it to something like, "he is incredibly funny."

Jimmy V.:
OK. Thanks!

Then his jokes are not international audience friendly I'd say. I often miss the point to the extent of removing his messages altogether.


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