Author Topic: Technical problems in the website  (Read 10378 times)

Adri D.

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Technical problems in the website
« on: 07/05/20, 09:41pm »
Reciently I am experienting some technical problems in the website and I don't know were report them

Firstly many disconections of the website, even with the green light and you don't realise that you are out until your opponent time is over.

Now, I acceoted the game in the last 5 seconds (I still don't get waht is the Vamos buttom for, why dosen't the game start when both opponents sit on the table?).

We received the cards, my opponent played first but I lost the game because the game was aborted!!! (as if I didn't start the game). How can that happen?

Eva S.

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Re: Technical problems in the website
« Reply #1 on: 09/05/20, 04:13pm »
I also started experiencing random disconnection and extreme lag. Mostly works if I switch from chrome to Firefox, but started recently, similar to what others are mentioning. I don't think it's all on the user side.

Jimmy V.

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Re: Technical problems in the website
« Reply #2 on: 11/05/20, 01:43pm »

I spent one hour chasing the "bug", until I reread what you wrote. The important thing is that you took a long time to click on the start button. Then when you started you had only a few seconds to play your move. Your opponent took about 10 seconds to  play his first move. So I would guess that you clicked on the start button 2'05" late. If you had been the first player, you would have lost before even clicking the button.

All in all, what I want you to understand is that the game actually starts before the players click the "Vamos" button. The game starts as soon as both players have correctly loaded the page and connected to the game server. The timer for the first player starts at the same time. And we take the food at that moment too.

Regarding the opening screen, I understand it has a relatively modest interest and maybe we could change something. This said, the opening screen serves two small purposes: 1) show an animation for the food being take, 2) show the physical game box and artwork.

Thanks for taking the time to report.

NB: without start button, you would have lost the match in the same way.
« Last Edit: 11/05/20, 01:45pm by Happy Meeple »

Brian S.

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Re: Technical problems in the website
« Reply #3 on: 15/05/20, 12:02am »
While I appreciate your addressing Adri D.'s game start situation, there was no comment on the recent frequent loss of internet connection reported by Adri & Eva.  I am on MS I.E. and have been experiencing this for the last two weeks or so.  I've been living with it, but it starts to get annoying when you have a goal of successive wins and are about to get that last needed win when you lose connection and have to start your successive wins goal all over again.  I just got disconnected towards the end of a game (less than ten cards left in the deck) of Lost Cities after just drawing my card with 1:06 left on my two minute timer.  So this has nothing to do with timing of clicking buttons. I'm hoping you are still investigating this.