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Mike Y.:
how can you get more wheatfields ?

Rob B.:
I was just about to ask the same question.  I'll watch for the answer!


Jimmy V.:
Thanks for asking!

The short answer is that there is no way to get a second wheat field.

The closest to this is Magic Potion. With Magic Potion, you get unlimited food for a certain amount of time. I suppose that's what you are looking for : more play time.

So drink some Magic Potion. You can get it in the market.

Have fun on Happy Meeple!

Jamie A.:

--- Quote from: Happy Meeple on 18/11/17, 10:01pm ---The closest to this is Magic Potion. With Magic Potion, you get unlimited food for a certain amount of time. I suppose that's what you are looking for : more play time.
--- End quote ---

I don't know anything about the OP, however for me I see it as: both Wheat and Magic Potion are time based. I might play one or even two extra games because Wheat is there and then it rots. And Magic Potion would have the same result and be wasted.

So for that type of use the +8 option is better than either. But I could also see using an extra Wheat field to juggle the harvests and play the odd extra game. 

Jimmy V.:

What you are describing is an old idea of ours: non-perishable food.

We resist implementing this idea for 2 reasons:
a) it could make the interface more crowded and complicated (if there was an extra food icon)
b) it required some development time and was not top-priority.

To solve a), we could just add a new kind of "building" like for example a lake - that would come with 100 living (and thus non-perishable) fish in it when you "build" it. Therefore no need for an extra icon for non- perishable food.

Is that what you'd like to see?

Or maybe buying Magic Potion for one hour only (instead of a minimum of one day) is an option you'd like to have?

Thanks for the input.


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