Author Topic: Not a fan of the new white "shadow" on played tiles  (Read 30053 times)

Stephanie E.

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Re: Not a fan of the new white "shadow" on played tiles
« Reply #15 on: 30/03/18, 06:51pm »
Ok,... so i have been trying to get accustomed to the new white outlines in Keltis.  I really really really don't  like this change.  I thought I would get used to it... but it is distracting and not relaxing at all.  It actually makes it harder to see the numbers with all the white outlines on every card when it is your turn.  and the out of control extra spinning on the wishing stones seems to slow the game down waiting for the added animation  to end.. and it is is so disruptive. 

In stead of enjoying the game, I can't wait for it to finish... I love this game, but I don't think I will play it much if at all any more unless you do something about the new "improvements"

I'm so sad...   :(

Jimmy V.

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Re: Not a fan of the new white "shadow" on played tiles
« Reply #16 on: 02/04/18, 04:12am »
I’ll have a look at Keltis Card again after the holiday. Thanks for your feedback!

Jamie A.

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Re: Not a fan of the new white "shadow" on played tiles
« Reply #17 on: 08/04/18, 10:45pm »
While I appreciate the 'shadowing' being dimmed, I still find the whiteness around all the hand cards bright enough to be distracting.

Clive P.

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Re: Not a fan of the new white "shadow" on played tiles
« Reply #18 on: 18/04/18, 10:47am »
I dodn't like the pulsing white borders around your cards either.

Maybe keep them for the first Tutorial levels, but after that just turn it off?