Reiner Knizia's

Keltis Ór

German rules (please download it to get illustrations)

German and English rules (no illustrations)

1999: Reiner Knizia's Lost Cities is universally acclaimed.
2008, Keltis wins Spiel des Jahres award.
2012: Keltis Ór brings Keltis theme and principles back to the table.

In Keltis Ór, players roll 3 dice that they can reroll once. Then they must choose one of 3 options:

  • Take the stones available on the dice
  • Take a token from one of the 5 available colors. This will allow the player to build ascending or descending paths as well as award a bonus (leprechaun, stone, clover, points)
  • Pass

Players score in 4 different ways:

  • Path length: the longer, the better. Short paths score negative
  • Stones: the more, the better. Too few means a negative score
  • Leprechauns: +3 for majority, -3 for minority
  • Bonus points

Keltis Ór is a fascinating game. Players have a lot of freedom: paths, colors, high or low, aggressive or peaceful, pace of the game, ways of scoring, etc. The dice will make sure that every game is different. No strategy is intrinsically better: good players will adapt their play to the current situation. Clever play is rewarded.

You can play Keltis Ór online on Happy Meeple.